We take pride in supporting and participating in our communities. We deeply appreciate all of our customers and friends and the charitable work that makes our communities whole.
At NorthPoint Pets we are proud to support animal-related charities and causes. While our heart goes out to all charitable causes we have made the collective decision to focus our efforts specifically on animal-related causes that are in line with our values. If you represent a pet-related charity (501c3) we welcome your submission at least 4 weeks ahead of your event. Please understand that due to the volume of requests we receive we will not be able to satisfy each request, and will be unable to consider requests not submitted at least 4 weeks in advance.
Thanks for shopping with us!
As an independent business, our resources and reach are limited. Although we’d love to support every charity, causes are hand-selected and we often give preference to charities submitted by our existing customers. With that being said, if there is a cause you truly believe in don’t hesitate to reach out!
If you have a pet-related cause to submit for consideration please fill out the form below.
Causes are hand-selected and we often give preference to charities submitted by existing customers and organizations located in Cheshire, CT.
"*" indicates required fields