How to Save Money on Your Pet’s Diet During Tough Times

As the pandemic continues, many pet owners are facing financial difficulties, causing them to rethink their pet’s diet. Raw and canned pet food feeding households are switching to kibble or supplementing with it to save money. In this article, we’ll explore some factors to consider when making the switch.

Calculating Carbohydrate Content

When looking for a lower cost alternative to raw or canned pet food, consider a lower carbohydrate kibble. To determine the percentage of carbohydrates, add together the percentages of protein, fat, moisture, fiber, and ash. Since ash is often not listed on the label, estimate it to be around 6-8%. Subtract the total from 100 to get the carbohydrate content.

Protein Quality

A low carbohydrate kibble does not automatically guarantee adequate or high-quality protein. Your dog or cat needs to consume a certain amount of total grams of protein rather than an overall percentage. If you’re transitioning from raw to kibble or supplementing your pet’s raw diet with kibble, it’s crucial to reach out to pet food companies and request:

  • Third-party digestibility data for the specific formula you are considering feeding. Do they conduct digestibility testing for all of their formulas? Just one? Or none?  This is important because if the food is not highly digestible, then the amount of protein is irrelevant since the animal may not be able to utilize it.
  • A typical AAFCO nutrient analysis to determine if they regularly analyze their formulas for adequate nutrition that meets or exceeds AAFCO standards. Over time companies average these analyses together (typical) in order to provide a profile of that food over time. Most companies don’t conduct these tests and will instead provide a “targeted analysis” which represents the nutrition of that food as formulated on paper. It may not actually represent what is in the final product – AND if the company does not provide digestibility data it may mean that those nutrients may not be absorbed or metabolized adequately.
  • Pay attention to the calorie ratios of the food you are considering. Specifically, look at protein to calorie, carbohydrate to calorie, and fat to calorie ratios. This information will help you determine if the food is suitable for your pet’s specific needs. It may also indicate the accuracy of claims made on the packaging.

adding raw dog food to dry dog food

Adding Fresh Food

Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to your pet’s bowl can provide numerous health benefits, whether you feed kibble or raw. Using foods that may otherwise go to waste can also help reduce costs. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that neutralize toxic free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and DNA damage.

A lot of us raw feeders choose to feed raw due to health conditions, disease prevention, and/or personal choice. While much of the evidence supporting these diets is anecdotal, there is a lot of research emerging to support these diets. Regardless, we do know there is sufficient published evidence to show the detriments of processed kibble and canned foods. For this reason, many of us worry about transitioning back. The good news is the researchers at the University of Helsinki DogRisk group have shown that feeding just 20% fresh food with processed food (i.e. kibble and canned food) reduces the incidence of inflammatory biomarkers quite significantly. 

Consider Freeze-Dried Foods

If you’re feeding commercial raw, consider freeze-dried foods. Traditionally, these foods have been cost-prohibitive, but there are now highly digestible and affordable brands, such as Northwest Naturals and Vital Essentials. These foods are shelf-stable, lightweight, and easy to store or transport.


Switching to a lower cost alternative to raw or canned pet food can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. By considering the factors discussed in this article, you can make a more informed decision about what to feed your pet during these tough times. Remember, adding fresh foods and considering freeze-dried options can help you save money while still providing your pet with a healthy diet.

*This article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to provide medical advice or replace the advice of a qualified veterinarian.

About the Author: Nicole Cammack

Nicci is the owner of award-winning NorthPoint Pets & Company, in Connecticut. She is also the Founder & CEO of Undogmatic Inc. Her undergraduate and graduate education includes biology, chemistry, business, and nutrition. She has worked in the pharmaceutical industry on multiple R&D projects and has had the privilege to learn from leading international figures in the human and pet health industry. She regularly lectures at national conferences, including federal, state, and municipal K9 events. Her current research involves identifying pathogenic risk factors and transmission among raw fed pets through a comprehensive worldwide survey.

Considerations for Pet Food Bulk Buying and Shelf Life

As a pet owner, you’re probably familiar with the idea of buying pet food in bulk. It can be a convenient way to save money and ensure you always have enough food for your beloved pets. However, with the current economic situation and the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, it’s important to reconsider this practice. While it’s understandable to want to stock up on essentials, including pet food, there are some things to keep in mind.

Industry data sources show that many pet owners have stocked up on pet food, often purchasing enough to last for months. While this might seem like a smart move, it can actually lead to problems, particularly if packages are opened or damaged. In this article, we’ll explore why buying pet food in bulk might not be the best choice right now, and what you can do instead to ensure your pet stays healthy and well-fed.

Let’s take a look at the specific types of pet food for more information:

Considerations for Buying Dry Pet Food in Bulk

An unopened bag of dry pet food (kibble) can last up to 24 months, but fish-based food may only last for a little over a year. This is assuming that the manufacturer has ensured proper levels of tocopherols as natural preservatives. However, once the bag is opened, the shelf life of pet food becomes relatively short and should be consumed within 30-45 days. You can extend the shelf life of pet food by freezing it and using airtight containers, but be cautious when using plastic bins as they may pose health concerns. Unfortunately, most pet food companies do not evaluate the stability of their food and its nutrients after the bag has been opened.

The Risks of Improper Storage

When pet food is stored for a long time, especially if the package is opened or damaged, there is a significant risk of fats spoiling, mycotoxin contamination, pathogenic bacteria, and storage mites. Dumping bags of kibble into dry food storage containers is one of the most common mistakes. Improper storage of kibble is a major reason for food-related illness in pets, which is often not considered until it’s too late. To learn more about the dangers of pet food storage containers, read our other blog here

Caution When Buying in Bulk

If you have a small pet or one that only eats a small amount of kibble, be cautious when purchasing a large bag of pet food. While the affordability of a large bag may seem tempting, bacterial growth, infestation, and rancidity may make your pet ill and erase any cost savings. To purchase in bulk, it’s best to buy smaller bags and store them in a freezer if possible. Remember to rotate the stock and avoid mixing old food with newly-opened bags to reduce the risk of cross-contamination and rancidity.

Considerations for Buying Canned Pet Food in Bulk

Once opened, canned food can be refrigerated and stored for a couple of days. However, it should ideally be used within the same day. Many who feed canned pet food know that many dogs and cats won’t touch canned food after it’s been refrigerated. Depending on the amount your pet consumes you may want to consider brands that offer a smaller can size to avoid tossing out extra food from larger cans. 

The shelf life of most canned varieties of foods is 2-3 years. Therefore, stocking up is generally not a problem. Although, when shopping online or at discount retailers it is always a good idea to check the dates on the items you purchase.  One of the benefits of shopping small is that canned food is carefully tracked and rotated within the inventory to ensure maximum shelf life. 

Considerations for Buying Freeze-Dried Pet Food in Bulk

Easily becoming the “unofficial” pet food of the pandemic, freeze-dried foods offer the best of both worlds – lesser processed food AND shelf-stability.  Generally, these products take up less room and weigh substantially less than kibble and canned food so storage is also a plus. This is actually an option many raw feeders use when traveling to cut down on weight and the use of refrigeration and freezing. Many kibble, canned and raw feeders actually use freeze-dried as a supplement to regular meals, intermittently replacing meals and/or as treats. 

At first, glance, freeze-dried foods may have the perception of being more expensive, but in fact, may be just as or more affordable than canned and raw food options. These foods have had most of their moisture removed, which is also the bulk of the weight and what takes up the most amount of room which gives the perception of less food. Instead what you’re left with is a highly nutrient-dense, and likely a higher digestible product which you can choose to add water back to. Lastly, pets love freeze-dried foods since they are typically higher in meat and are generally much more palatable. 

Most of these products have expiration dates of 2 years or more – however, there is evidence on the human side to suggest that these foods have shelf lives of 20-30 years. Not something we would recommend planning on, but if the situation was dire, they are an option.

Check out some of our favorite freeze-dried options from Northwest Naturals and SmallBatch.

Considerations for Buying Frozen Raw Pet Food in Bulk

As of the publication date of this article, it is likely that a meat shortage will affect the pet food supply. The closure of slaughter and packing outlets due to COVID-19 infections among workers is taxing the supply chain. This, in turn, is already having a domino effect on the number of animals that will be bred and raised for consumption. Farmers and ranchers do not want to invest in raising animals that they will be unable to send for slaughter – a grim aspect of the reality we are facing.

If you have visited a grocery store recently you know our meat prices are rising, and this will likely happen for raw pet products too. If you don’t feed raw and think you are safe, it’s not the case. While this will impact all pet food types, it will likely be seen in raw and fresh food categories first. 

Stocking up more than a couple of months’ worth, depending on the quality of the packaging may yield some of the same problems we see with kibble. Fats within the raw are susceptible to oxidation, and nutrient loss as time passes. If you have the ability to stock up, you may also want to consider supplementing with freeze-dried foods that have a longer shelf life. 

If you are a raw feeder and need more information on switching or supplementing to kibble and other affordable options please read here.

*This article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to provide medical advice or replace the advice of a qualified veterinarian.

About the Author: Nicci Cammack

Nicci is the owner of award-winning NorthPoint Pets & Company, in Connecticut. She is also the Founder & CEO of Undogmatic Inc. Her undergraduate and graduate education includes biology, chemistry, business, and nutrition. She has worked in the pharmaceutical industry on multiple R&D projects and has had the privilege to learn from leading international figures in the human and pet health industry. She regularly lectures at national conferences, including federal, state, and municipal K9 events. Her current research involves identifying pathogenic risk factors and transmission among raw fed pets through a comprehensive worldwide survey.





fresh strawberries for dogs

Should I Feed My Pet Fresh Fruits & Vegetables?

Should we be adding fresh fruits and vegetables to our pet’s meals?

It seems like every week, we hear one thing and the next week it changes (like the great butter vs margarine debate). When it comes to our pets, nutrition is almost like a religion with many different beliefs and philosophies. Unfortunately, many of these arguments are based more on emotion than science. Although there is scientific evidence to support various nutrition philosophies, the interpretation of evidence can lead to potentially unsafe practices.

To make matters worse, marketing practices can further confuse pet owners and veterinarians, leaving them unable to distinguish fact from fiction. Despite this, we have seen significant shifts in recommendations for both humans and pets and diet-related diseases like insulin-dependent diabetes and obesity cannot be ignored. In humans, there is ample evidence to support a causal relationship between high intake of processed foods (containing refined carbohydrates/sugars) and insulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic-related diseases. It makes sense that we would worry about the same issues in our pets, considering that most dry pet foods contain between 40-60% refined carbohydrates.

Can Pets Digest Carbohydrates?

We know vegetables are important in the human diet, some more nutritionally beneficial than others, and the same applies to our pets. While the debate amongst many within the pet nutrition industry may disagree – our dogs are not wolves (read more here), and they can digest carbohydrates. While the ability to do this varies between various breeds, the focus of this blog isn’t the ability of our pets to digest carbs – instead, it is the benefits they obtain from fiber, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals contained within fruits and vegetables.

Our canines & felines need muscle meat, organ & bone partly due to the bioavailability of amino acids and other nutrients. If you were to give your dog the option of meat or plants/vegetables, studies show they would choose meat. However, when offered together, most dogs and some cats will consume fruit or vegetables too. Some trial and error with various cooking methods, chopping, mincing, or even blending in a food processor may entice those who may be pickier.

Why Supplementing Your Pet’s Diet with Vegetables is Importanthungry dog with fruit and vegetable bowl

As a pet owner, you may wonder if it’s necessary to supplement your pet’s diet with vegetables, especially if they don’t seem to like them. After all, isn’t pet food already complete and balanced? While pet food does provide the necessary nutrients, adding vegetables to your pet’s diet can provide additional benefits.

Vegetables and plants are abundant in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, and even beneficial bacteria. However, for pets that primarily consume canned and/or kibble food, adding fresh plant-based foods can provide protective benefits. Canned and kibble foods tend to have high levels of carcinogenic chemicals called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs.

The Negative Effects of AGEs

AGEs are naturally present in animal-based products, and additional AGEs form during the cooking process. Since dogs and cats primarily eat these types of food their entire life, their toxic load is much higher as a result. Toxic loads can negatively impact various organ systems, overall health, and even shorten the lifespan of pets and people.

The good news is that antioxidants and other phytochemicals present in fruits and vegetables, particularly leafy greens and berries, help to ward off some of the negative effects of AGEs. By adding fresh, organic, raw, or lightly cooked plants and veggies to your pet’s diet, you can help to reduce the toxic load and improve their overall health.

The Limitations of Commercial Pet Food

Even the best raw, kibble, or dehydrated foods lack the benefits of fresh, organic, raw, or lightly cooked plants and veggies. By supplementing your pet’s diet with fresh plant-based foods, you can help to provide a well-rounded and balanced diet that supports their health and well-being.

Fruits and veggies you can feed to your pets include:
  • Leafy greens (rotate for variety)
  • Green beans
  • Broccoli/Cauliflower
  • Summer squash
  • Blueberries
  • Watermelon
  • Pineapple
  • Apples

….just to name a few!

What Foods are Safe for Dogs and Cats?

While there are only a few things dogs and cats can’t have, quantity is what matters. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Monitor Onion Intake – Large amounts of onions can cause Heinz body anemia in pets, but small amounts in tomato sauce are usually fine. Garlic is safe in moderation and may benefit the immune system, while also serving as an effective flea & tick preventative.
  • Avoid Grapes and Avocados – Grapes and avocados may affect pets differently, so it’s best to avoid them altogether.
  • Experiment with Fruits and Vegetables – It’s okay to experiment with new fruits and vegetables one at a time, and observe for any adverse reactions. Fresh and healthy table food can be shared with your pet in moderation. 
  • Cats and High-Starch Foods – For cats specifically, avoid high-starch foods like potatoes, pumpkin, and grain-based products. Cats lack adequate enzymes to digest carbohydrates. Instead, focus on low-starch vegetables that are rich in antioxidants to support their digestive system.

How much to add?

These additions for cats should be kept low, however, they can be added to dog’s diets in greater amounts. Cats should consume no more than 5%, and dogs should be no more than 15-20%.


*This article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to provide medical advice or replace the advice of a qualified veterinarian.


About the Author: Nicole Cammack

Nicole is the founder & owner of multiple-award winning NorthPoint Pets & Company, in Connecticut, USA. She has completed undergraduate work in biological sciences, business and holds an M.S. in Nutrition. Currently, Nicole is pursuing a PhD in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Canine Nutrition/Metabolomics) at the prestigious University of Georgia in the USA.
Her background includes experience in the pharmaceutical industry on multiple R&D projects and has had the privilege to learn from leading figures in the human and pet health industries. Nicole has been heavily involved in police canine nutrition within the USA, helping to improve the modern care and feeding of working dogs. Her interests include working dog nutrition, raw feeding, pathogens, metabolomics, and nutrition’s relationship to disease in humans and canines. Her current research involves the exploration of the canine urinary metabolome and the relationship to diet.

Publications: Cammack, N.R., Yamka, R.M., and Adams, V.J. (2021). Low Number of Owner-Reported Suspected Transmission of Foodborne Pathogens From Raw Meat-Based Diets Fed to Dogs and/or Cats. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.741575.




Just Because It Looks Like Science Doesn’t Mean It Is

On April 21, 2020, AVMA shared a CIDRAP article on MDR pathogens in raw meat diets for dogs.

Grain-Free Pet Foods and Heart Disease: The Whole Truth


Pet owners and veterinarians are expressing concern over the potential relationship between grain-free pet foods and heart disease known as Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM). However, little research and data are available on this topic, and some industry professionals fail to recognize the greater issue at hand. DCM is just one of the many health concerns that pet owners face, including cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, and allergies.

Pet owners and veterinarians who are concerned about grain-inclusive or grain-free diets may be focused on the wrong risk. Instead, their concerns should be centered around diets that lack fresh food, narrow formulation guidelines, outdated research, and foods containing toxic chemicals and byproducts of food processing. These factors pose a greater risk, which has been scientifically proven, to the health and longevity of our pets than any isolated grain-free diet.

Feeding pets overly processed and poorly formulated foods over generations has increased their susceptibility to various diseases, leading to an increase in the prevalence of various types of diseases and conditions. This review examines the scientific evidence surrounding the complexity of the issue and offers advice to pet owners on reducing the risks of disease.

In summary, while the relationship between grain-free pet foods and DCM is a concern, pet owners and veterinarians should focus on the bigger picture. They should prioritize feeding their pets fresh and well-formulated diets to reduce the risks of various diseases and conditions. 

In this review we examine the scientific evidence surrounding the complexity of the issue, and what pet owners can do to reduce risks of disease. 


If you’ve been keeping up with the news or browsing social media, you may have come across claims that certain pet foods, especially grain-free ones, can cause heart disease in dogs. However, the latest report from the FDA tells a different story, revealing a complex issue with no scientific evidence proving a causal link between grain-free diets and heart disease.

It’s crucial to understand that this issue is not straightforward, and there are multiple factors at play. Before delving into the FDA investigation and the possible association between heart disease and grain-free foods, it’s essential to address what the news media failed to do. In short, while the media has been quick to blame grain-free pet foods for heart disease in dogs, the reality is far more nuanced.[1] The FDA report is based on a limited sample size, and the agency itself admits that there is no clear evidence linking grain-free diets to heart disease. Therefore, it’s important to consider all the relevant factors before jumping to conclusions. By taking a closer look at the FDA investigation and the scientific evidence, pet owners can make informed decisions about what to feed their pets.

Before examining the FDA investigation and the facts surrounding a potential association between heart disease and grain-free foods it is important to address what the news media failed to do:

Over half of American dogs are overweight2, diabetes rates are rising faster than we can measure and cancer is becoming more prevalent not just in the old, but in the young3. Also common are kidney disease4 and liver disease5 and dogs and cats experiencing more food and environmental sensitivities and allergies than we have ever seen6. Diet-mediated dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) has affected a relatively small number of dogs from 2014 to date, approximately 524 out of an estimated 77 million dogs in the United States – as of the latest FDA report7. While this is certainly a concern that warrants further investigation in a timely manner – DCM is not by any means an epidemic. In fact, the FDA states that they believe the potential association between diet and DCM in dogs is a complex scientific issue that may involve multiple factors7.

Few Pets are Healthy

In examining the whole picture, we know that dogs and cats are not “healthy” – a reality that most of us either ignore or don’t believe to be true. Common problems like skin conditions, “dog-smell”, and GI issues are not – and should not be considered healthy; even though we’ve come to accept them as normal. Some of the causality behind “common” problems is that our pets have been, and still are, subject to many detrimental variables over generations and the consequences of such have impacted the overall wellbeing and susceptibility of varying types of disease. These variables include, but are not limited to: toxins and pollution in the air, water, soil and food supply, overuse of antibiotics and other medication, overvaccination, poor quality diet, poor breeding practices, poor nutrition, lack of exercise and radiation. It is possible that some, or more likely, each of these factors have contributed to our pet’s susceptibility to a variety of diseases, including DCM. In fact, obesity, diabetes and other issues have known relationships to DCM8 – all factors that complicate the scientific investigation.

Understanding Risk Factors

The good news is that just because an individual is “predisposed” to a particular disease does not mean that they are going to “develop” that disease9 as the expression of a “bad gene” can be altered by a healthful diet and limiting exposure to toxins and stress. Alternatively, if dogs or cats are constantly exposed to various toxins, fed a diet lacking vital nutrition, moisture and meat protein, over-vaccinated, overmedicated and deprived of exercise and are obese much like how they have been for generations, they have a significant risk10 of developing the disease to which they are predisposed to. This newer field of science, referred to as nutrigenomics, studies the nutrient impact on gene expression and nutritional influences on the Genome, Transcriptome, Proteome, and Metabolome and extract useful biological information on the data collected. This field has melded practices from Nutrition, Biology, Medicine, Genomics, and Bioinformation11.

Let’s imagine for a second that an individual was predisposed to heart disease, but they took care of themselves by consuming a dietdog fresh food bowl consisting of fresh foods, including antioxidants along with moderate fat, and sodium, avoided excess use of vaccinations, limited unnecessary medications, consumed clean water and exercised to maintain strong cardiac function. These individuals most likely have a lesser chance of developing heart disease. For the sake of not oversimplifying this concept, a healthy lifestyle for us or our pets does not eliminate the risk of disease, but it does make our genes more resilient, or resistant to letting that disease develop or advance. In 2005, the Broad Institute began mapping the canine genome, which allows us to further explore what genetic markers are related to specific diseases. This mapping project will not only help us to identify targeted pharmaceutical and nutritional therapies that may help in treatment for prevention but also help to advance knowledge, treatment, and prevention of diseases for humans12.

FDA Investigation & Reports

The FDA formally announced an investigation into grain-free dog foods potentially having a link to heart disease in dogs in July of 2018. The investigation specifically named those foods containing potatoes, legumes and pulses7. Pulses are a subset of legumes and are defined as peas, lentils, chickpeas and other dry beans13. Since there is no central reporting agency for canine disease the FDA states that it is unknown how commonly dogs develop Dilated Cardiomyopathy. However, the increase in reports to the FDA may indicate a potential increase in canine DCM in breeds not previously known to be predisposed7 and it is unclear if cases have been underreported, and continue to be underreported or if there is a significant spike in cases as a result of these diets, or multiple other variables. Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) is defined as a condition where the heart becomes enlarged and is unable to adequately pump blood. DCM can include mechanical dysfunction and/or electrical dysfunction which leads to sudden collapse and death13.  As DCM progresses signs include lethargy, loss of appetite, shallow breathing, intolerance to exercise and shortness of breath. This disease is known to occur in dogs and cats, at varying levels of severity and has more than one cause14

Further complicating matters DCM has causation that is likely multivariable such as genetics, environmental, nutritional, infections, heavy metal exposure, dysbiosis, and even other unknown causes14,15. Further commentary articles, not research articles, from experts examining the issue seemed to state that there is no direct evidence showing causation between DCM and grain-free pet foods – and that it will take several years to determine what the issue or issues are. The most recent FDA report explicitly states they are investigating and gathering more information in an effort to identify whether there is a specific dietary link to the development of DCM, and based on the data collected thus far, they believe the development of DCM is a complex scientific issue that may involve multiple factors. As a result, the major pet food brands have jumped at the opportunity to sow a seed of doubt in to the minds of pet parents leading some to make unnecessary, and even health prohibiting changes.

Not Just Grain-Free Diets

It is important to note – out of some dogs diagnosed with DCM, not all dogs were consuming a grain-free diet1. Even more notable, most dogs were eating dry food in those cases reported to the FDA1, which raises the question of this not being a grain-free problem per se – instead rather evidence of a knowledge gap in formulation of processed food. As the report notes, some improved after a diet change from one grain-free diet to another, and this finding, along with the differences identified between dogs fed various grain-free diets, suggested that DCM was not necessarily tied to the grain-free status of the diet13,16. In addition, many dogs diagnosed with DCM were initially thought to be taurine-deficient, and we’ve since learned that this problem is far more complex than the presence or digestibility of taurine within a dry pet food. We’re now realizing the presence of significant knowledge gaps in regards to small animal nutrition requirements – plainly, we do not know enough about what happens to food when we process it beyond a recognizable state. 

Nutritional Knowledge Gap

The formulation of static diets is formulated from generalized minimal recommendations by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and the NRC which are wholly lacking in sound and reasonable research. Static diets are defined as a diet that a dog may eat each day, for their entire life, and that food providing all the nutrition they need. These minimum nutrient recommendations have been established with research on Beagles as a proxy for all canines regardless of size or breed13. These same recommendations also place pregnant bitches in the same category as growing animals – even though we know that nutritional requirements are different. Additionally, recommendations made by AAFCO correspond to a total nutrient content within the formulation and do not consider the true digestibility of ingredients leading to the potential of a variety of nutrient deficiencies across multiple breeds17.   Available research demonstrates that the taurine, methionine, cystine, carnitine and other nutrient metabolism is varied among sizes and breeds13, all of which are variables further complicating this investigation. 

Some within the veterinary community have illogically lumped home cooked, canned and raw diets into the “grain free” category, however, per the FDA report, the vast majority of DCM cases were reported were for dogs consuming dry foods1 – not “grain-free” raw or “grain-free” cans, causing unnecessary panic at the expense of pet owners feeding responsibly formulated and safely sourced canned and raw foods. It is important for the consumer and pet-owner to understand that these diets are entirely different in formulation, composition and differ in the way they are formulated and metabolized in comparison to overly-processed dry diets. Fresh and unprocessed diets, like raw, will have abundant taurine and natural nutrients which can limit risks of malabsorption and nutrient deficiencies that are common in kibble and other processed diets. Oversimplifying this issue to “grain-free” raw, canned and home-cooked diets is irresponsible and likely causing more harm than good. 

DCM is not a ‘new’ concern for dogs or cats. In fact, it has been around for a long time. In the 1970’s -1980’s DCM was prevalent in cats and it was eventually determined that this was due to low concentrations of taurine and animal protein within the commercialized foods18. Pet food companies responded by adding taurine through supplementation and additional meat protein which has since seemed to remedy this issue19, however it leaves many other concerns unanswered. The supplementation of nutrients and addition of processed meat is still not an ideal example of adequate nutrition and another example of overly processed diets contributing to the overwhelming amount of disease in companion animals. 

Since dogs and cats are nutritionally different it is unlikely that adding taurine to any canine diet will be sufficient to solve the current issue in dogs, especially since diet-related canine DCM is likely far more complex. Further complicating matters, the only definitive diagnosis for DCM is an echocardiogram, which the majority of “cases” highlighted within the FDA report lack. Other methods of screening for potential cardiac disease are whole blood taurine, plasma taurine, auscultation, and chest x-ray it is important to understand that these methods are not reliable in the diagnosis of DCM. 

More information here

Complicated Variables

We know that certain breeds are genetically predisposed to DCM and those include (but are not limited to) Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, Great Danes, Labrador Retrievers, St. Bernards, Irish Wolfhounds, Golden Retrievers, Newfoundlands, English, and American Cocker Spaniels18,20. There is no cure for genetic DCM, and conventional veterinary treatment involves the use of diuretics, ACE inhibitors, antiarrhythmic, and other pharmaceutical agents to reduce stress on the cardiopulmonary system and kidneys to allow the body to tolerate the condition. Unfortunately, these options provide limited relief for a generally short period of time21

DCM can also be closely related to diet, meaning that an individual’s susceptibility can be influenced by diet imbalance. Initially, the assumption with current DCM concerns was a lack of taurine in the diet for varying reasons. However, it was determined that this was likely not true for most cases7 and instead researchers are now considering other factors preventing the body from utilizing taurine and other nutrients – while also keeping in mind that the issue may be something else entirely. Another theory is that one or more ingredients are interacting with others causing a blocking effect on taurine utilization. The truth is that researchers are unsure exactly what the mechanism behind this condition is19

Disproportionate Levels of Macronutrients

DCM aside, all dry foods that have a high carbohydrate content of at least 30% (grain AND grain-free) can be a problem for several reasons that most haven’t recognized:

  • Ingredients such as potatoes, peas, and other legumes and pulses have been used in grain-inclusive and grain-free dog food for nearly 25 years22,23 to provide dietary fiber and protein in limited capacity. It is recognized that use of some of these ingredients at higher than 15% inclusion on a dry matter basis can decrease crude protein digestibility. Since some foods on the market have greater than 40%, and even up to 60%, inclusion this could facilitate higher risk of nutritional deficiencies if nutrient balance is not considered in the formulation13. This can also yield inadequate amount of animal protein which may lead to an imbalance or not enough of various nutrients – one of which can be taurine, and too little taurine (taurine deficiency) can result in DCM. 
  • Some plant-based proteins, like pea or potato protein, can cause malabsorption and inflammatory conditions in humans24. While insufficient research is available to suggest the same in pets, it is certainly a reasonable theory to explore.  More and more institutions are exploring the similarities in humans and canines12,25–27 and while some still refute the similarities, the stark similarities in types and rates of disease are unquestionable. Logically, these similarities are not surprising considering that by and large humans eat a highly-processed diet full of chemicals, lack exercise, overuse of medication, and live exposed to environmental toxins and pollution, just like their pets. 

Before assigning blame to a particular ingredient, set of ingredients or formulation it is prudent first to identify knowledge gaps – especially prior to establishing any causation to a particular disease. Further investigation into these inclusion percentages and relationship to canine health and risk factors is needed to understand these relationships13. It is known that grains contain precursors to taurine – amino acids cysteine and methionine. Dogs can manufacture taurine from these amino acids, and it was always thought that taurine was not essential for canines – however individual genetics, breed, size and environmental factors may alter an individual minimum and maximum requirements for taurine and other nutrients13

Grain Complications

The pet food industry switch to grains was not exactly fueled by a problem with the actual grains, or grain allergies like most believe. Absent from the discussion on grain-free vs. grain inclusive diets for people – and pets – is the contamination of grains with herbicides, pesticides, mycotoxins, and fertilizers. There are numerous peer-reviewed articles detailing the disruption many of these contaminants have on normal gut bacteria function28,29 and these are the largest reasons more animals and humans are becoming increasingly intolerant to grain and grain products. We’re learning that disruption of vital gut bacteria balance can have devastating effects on the health of the host30,31, including diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disease, cancers, GI issues and even DCM32. The contamination of grains in pet food is likely why many pets experienced improvement of various symptoms with the change from grain-inclusive to grain-free.

Pet food can be made of everything from rendered unfit foods for human consumption to ingredients that are 100% organic and probably better than the food we feed ourselves. I’m not necessarily here to split hairs on ingredients and in the types of ingredients that are in our pet’s food. Because is it these ingredients that are causing the problem? Or is it something else? – These are the questions that the experts seem to avoid entirely. When a dog experiences issues related to food we are quick as a society to turn over the bag and blame an ingredient or set of ingredients. However, those ingredients as listed are likely not the problem – rather the quality, processing, and contamination of these ingredients; something you will never find listed on a label.

Pet Food Processing & Chemical Factors

Protein, fat, and carbohydrates go through irreversible denaturation with the heating process of making kibble. Kibble is heated to high temps which creates a chemical change. A Maillard Reaction Product (MRP) is the name for a series of reactions that is the product of sugar (or carbohydrate) and protein when heated. These are also known as AGE’s or Advanced Glycated End Products. MRP’s are responsible for nutrient loss and associated with diseases like diabetes25, cardiovascular disease33,34, kidney disease34, loss of cognitive function34,35, allergies36, periodontal disease37, and chronic inflammation38. This can mean things like arthritis, skin and ear issues, an old injury that keeps resurfacing, bloating, IBS, etc. In addition, there is a large amount of research to suggest that they are carcinogenic and accelerate aging38,39.

Heterocyclic amines are MRPs from cooking protein that increases with elevated cooking temperature. This phenomenon is more pronounced in meat than fish – and these increase with temperature and dryness of meat or meat products40.

Acrylamides are a chemical that forms naturally from starchy foods during high-temperature cooking. According to the European Food Safety Authority evidence from animal studies shows that Acrylamides are genotoxic and carcinogenic: they damage DNA and cause cancer. And since we know so little about animal nutrition is it possible that much of the disease we’re seeing – including DCM has at least something to do with the MRP’s that are in pet food?

The process of making kibble can be responsible for a dog’s inability to tolerate certain foods in processed form, and for the incidence of certain diseases. It also explains why some dogs are able to tolerate and even thrive when these foods are fresh instead of processed. We do not have enough research that fully explains what happens to food when it is processed beyond a recognizable state. Nor do we have enough epidemiological studies to understand the consequences of feeding processed food diets for generations. Unfortunately, what we do know is that DCM is not the only problem that will arise as a consequence of feeding a highly-processed diet. There will be potentially more severe and prevalent conditions that will arise.

How to Mitigate Risk

Please recognize that this does not mean that you must feed all fresh food – or all kibble. Theory always suggested that mixing fresh food and kibble would result in GI distress or cause problems over time. Fortunately, that theory no longer holds much weight. Rather, feeding vegetables and fruit that are high in antioxidants with kibble provide protective effects against MRP’s. In addition, feeding raw or cooked meat along with kibble provides amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in their most natural form. While research is in the works and isn’t yet published, researchers are finding that feeding raw and kibble together actually reduced inflammatory markers for certain diseases, when done properly. There is also a notable but non-peer reviewed case-study of a dog successfully fed fresh food and kibble which suggested that kibble may have digested at the same rate or slightly faster than raw41

Regardless of what method you choose to feed, feeding fresh food does not only mean raw or cooked meat. Fresh food such as vegetables and fruit can provide some antioxidant protection against MRP’s, provide additional phytonutrients in their most natural form and improve digestive function. In addition, consumption of green, yellow and cruciferous vegetables reduces oxidative stress which can lead to lower incidence of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, promote liver detoxification, reduce inflammation and positively impact the function of the immune system42

Closing Discussion

The considerations surrounding DCM challenges are extremely complicated, with many unknowns. It will likely be many years before any formal answers are reached. Currently, there are no formal dietary recommendations for pet owners from the FDA as of the latest report. If your dog is in a risk group (breed, genetic or other underlying condition) it is best to seek advice from your veterinarian on the health status of your pet. Some experts are recommending adding taurine to pets’ diets regardless of what you feed19. Adding taurine can be as simple as purchasing a taurine supplement from a trusted source. Consideration of fresh foods is advised, since taurine naturally occurs in animal products – not grains – adding items like chicken breast, beef or other animal heart, sardines, raw goat milk, and other animal products may be beneficial.

Moving from grain-free kibble to grain-in kibble is not likely to solve health, longevity or other nutritional challenges as both of these groups are ultra-processed foods that carry well-documented risks highlighted within this paper. Our canines are largely suffering from man-made diseases and conditions such as obesity, type II diabetes, and nutritional deficiency – among others. Most of these can be linked back to feeding low-moisture, high soluble carbohydrate, low meat protein and ultra-processed dry food with high levels of contaminants. While there is a knowledge gap in the nutrition of both ultra-processed and raw, one cannot deny the association between ultra-processed foods and disease prevalence, and progression. It is also evident that feeding fresh foods provide at least some reduced risk of these common diseases and conditions.

It is imperative to understand and practice methods that recognize each individual animal as different, having unique needs. Not any one diet is complete – and no feeding regimen will be successful for all pets and this very practice is what has been detrimental to our pets and brought us to this point. As always, all diet changes and additions should always be introduced slowly and carefully. It is always helpful to keep a food journal that can help experts determine potential foods or feeding patterns that may be problematic.

*This article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to provide medical advice or replace the advice of a qualified veterinarian. If you think your pet has DCM, or any medical condition please seek the advice of a qualified veterinarian.

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The Evolution of Pet Food: From Table Scraps to Extruded Kibble

In this article, we will take a look at the evolution of pet food, from the invention of the dog biscuit to the extrusion process of making kibble and the current trend of individualized nutrition.

Tips for Choosing the Best Pet Food Options

In previous posts, we discussed the history of dry food or “kibble” and why it may not be the best option for all pets. Today, pet owners have a variety of options to choose from, including canned food, freeze-dried meals, and raw diets. However, with so many choices available, it can be challenging to navigate the market and find the best options for your pet.

Spotting Deceptive Tactics

As consumers, it is essential to be aware of the deceptive tactics some manufacturers use to sell their products. Some companies may market their products as “premium” or “natural,” but in reality, they contain fillers and low-quality ingredients. To avoid falling prey to these tactics, it is crucial to read the label carefully and understand the ingredients listed.

Changes in the Pet Food Industry

The way we purchase pet food has also evolved over the years. In the past, most people bought their pet food from local feed and farm supply stores. These stores provided quality products at affordable prices and were centrally located. However, with the rise of big-box retailers and online shopping, many of these small businesses have closed.

While online retailers offer convenience, some pets have suffered as a result. Products may sit in warehouses for months, leading to expired or stale food. Additionally, there have been instances of customers purchasing expired food from online retailers and attempting to return it to local stores. To ensure the quality of your pet’s food, it is best to purchase from a reputable, local pet supply store.

Choosing the Best Pet Food

At local pet supply stores, pet owners can find a variety of local and all-American options, as well as some Canadian and European brands with unique quality control measures. It is essential to read labels carefully and choose products without fillers or low-quality ingredients. Some family-owned pet food manufacturers offer high-quality, honest products, and even provide free samples to try before you buy.

While advancements in the pet food industry have brought about many positive changes, it is crucial for pet owners to be informed and make the best choices for their pets. By choosing quality products and supporting local businesses, we can ensure that our pets receive the nutrition they need to live healthy, happy lives.

The best advice I can give when choosing a pet food is twofold:

Understand How to Read a Pet Food Label

If you’re a pet owner, it’s important to know what your pet’s food is made of. Understanding pet food ingredients can help you make better choices for your pet’s health and wellbeing. Here are some things to keep in mind when looking at the ingredients in your pet’s food:

reading pet food ingredient label

  1. Know the source of each ingredient: It’s important to know where each ingredient comes from to ensure the quality and safety of your pet’s food. Look for pet food brands that use high-quality, locally sourced ingredients.

  2. Consider your pet’s digestive system: Cats and dogs have shorter digestive tracts than humans, which means they may have difficulty digesting grains and carbohydrates. Look for pet foods that are easy for your pet to digest.

  3. Watch out for deceptive labeling: “Meat first” labeling can be deceiving because ingredients are listed by weight before cooking. This means that the first ingredient may not actually be the main protein source. Look for pet foods that have a high percentage of whole proteins.

  4. Understand meal ingredients: Meals, such as chicken meal or fish meal, are not necessarily bad ingredients. However, you should avoid by-product meals. Look for pet foods with whole protein meals as the first ingredient for optimal nutrition.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can make informed decisions about the pet food you purchase and help ensure your pet stays healthy and happy.

Shop Small

If you’re in Connecticut or any other state, you’ll find many small pet food supply stores. Shopping small has many advantages:

  • Direct access to the owner who truly cares about the quality of products on their shelves and the pets they are feeding. Family-owned businesses have a unique sense of pride, vast knowledge, and experience in many brands and types of food. Unlike big-box stores, small businesses provide individualized approaches to each customer.

  • Small businesses can actually be more affordable. Big box stores have huge overhead and investors, who are concerned with the bottom line. Many small businesses will meet or beat the large competitor’s price and offer frequent buyer programs.

  • Many online retailers have shipping costs wrapped into their “low price”. Although online retailers offer convenience, your local small retailers often offer excellent prices. Many small businesses will even deliver, sometimes even on the same day! 

  • Frequent buyer programs can’t be found through online retailers, nor can their knowledge or experience.

  • Many stores have owners and staff who are college-educated pet nutritionists. Some staff members also have additional certifications in pet nutrition, allowing them to spend extra time combing through ingredient labels, and vitamin panels to find the perfect food for your pet. 

  • Many small pet supply stores have an extensive knowledge and offering of nutritional supplements that can help support whole body health as well as help pets with many types of disease.

  • Small businesses have exclusivity with many small companies that offer unique treats, toys, foods, and accessories that can’t be found online or in big box stores.

  • Small businesses give back to the community. They support local sports teams, youth groups, music programs, senior programs, rescues, and local pounds. They annually donate several TONS of food to local rescue and municipal pounds.  Keeping business local provides support for the community in a much greater way than you could ever imagine.

A Balanced Approach to Pet Health

We believe in treating each pet as an individual, not just another animal to be sold products or treated with a one-size-fits-all protocol. We’ve found that the healthiest pets have benefited from a unique balance of traditional medicine, holistic medicine, and wholesome nutrition.

Small (Affordable) Changes for Big Improvements

While we highly advocate for a fresh, organic, raw meat diet, we understand that it may not be feasible or affordable for everyone. However, even small changes can make a big difference. For example, adding fresh food to your pet’s dry food can help improve their health. We understand that budget is a concern for many pet owners, so we strive to help our clients do the best they can within their means.

If you have scraps of meat or vegetables left over from cooking, why not add a small handful to your pet’s bowl? Even cats can benefit from fresh food, though it may take them 2-4 weeks to adjust to changes in their diet. At our pet store, we encourage all pet owners to try adding fresh food to their pet’s diet and see the difference it can make.